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Dry Eye Treatment

Find relief from dry, itchy, irritated eyes.

Dry eyes affect millions of people in the United States. It is estimated that as many as 4.88 million Americans over the age of 50 suffer from this uncomfortable condition.

If you need help, book an appointment at dsmeye-skywalk. We’ll help you find a treatment option that brings you the relief you’re searching for.

What are the common symptoms of dry eye?

Everyone experiences dry eye differently because there are so many potential underlying causes.

Typical symptoms include:

  • Redness or eyes that appear irritated and bloodshot
  • Consistent burning or tingling sensations in the eyes
  • Eyes that feel itchy or as if they have something in them
  • Increased sensitivity to bright lights or sunlight
  • Excessive tearing, or eyes that always appear watery

What causes dry eye?

There are many potential causes of dry eye.

In some cases, the cause is obvious, such as environmental irritants or short-term inflammation.

Some of the other causes of chronic dry eye problems include:

  • Disease of the meibomian glands
  • Blepharitis
  • Allergies
  • Defects that affect the eyelid or shape of the eye
  • Certain medications
  • Abnormal eye pressure
  • Deficiency of aqueous fluids

Because the underlying causes vary, treatment methods after diagnosis will also vary according to the patient. It is also not uncommon for there to be more than one cause for dry eye.

How is dry eye diagnosed and treated?

Through imaging of the meibomian glands, measuring osmolarity of the tear film, and screening for certain conditions, we are able to diagnose and provide treatment for the condition.

Some of the typical treatments include:

  • Prescription eye drops to combat inflammation
  • Treating oil glands
  • Blinking exercises or proper eyelid hygiene
  • Optilight IPL Treatment
  • OptiPLUS – OptiPLUS is FDA-cleared radiofrequency (RF) treatment used to treat dry eyes and improve skin health, and is approved for use on the face and body. This treatment can penetrate different layers of skin to target meibomian glands and promote collagen formation, and can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Treatments are typically around 6 minutes per side.
  • iLUX® – The iLUX® device has been shown to significantly reduce dry eye symptoms such as gritty eyes and irritation. iLUX® is a handheld device designed to heat and apply gentle pressure on the eyelids to open up blocked meibomian glands, allowing them to naturally release their oil. The treatment takes approximately 8-12 minutes for both eyes.
  • BlephEX – The procedure effectively removes bacterial biofilm (crusty substances that accumulate over the years) from the surface of the lid margin and glands that aid in the production of your natural tears, improving the overall health of the eyelid. It is a simple 10-minute in-office procedure.

If an infection is causing the issue, low-dose antibiotics may also be prescribed.

Dry eyes are not only uncomfortable — they can also be bad for the health of your eyes. Schedule a dry eye consultation at dsmeye-skywalk to find relief.